29 August 2011

Me The Chef


Helloooo semua. Syawal is coming soon. And as the only daughter stayed at home, I have made myself a chef by helped mama make a cake, kuih raya, rendang and opol. You guys know what is opol? It's a combination of potatoes, green beans, carrots and chickens. Some people called it olig or olik? Okay I dont know how to spell it right -.-' Enough that, I just wanna say that I really am tired. But still I'm in blogging mood just to show some pictures of my kuih raya this year. And of course semua tuh saya yang buat *self praise*

Okay it may not looks nice in picture but who cares? As long as it taste delicious *self defense* And, as a result in making those, I gained weight :( Gemok daaa. Actually, I am already fat, but getting fatter. I just love food, enjoy eating so much I just can't stop. Subhannallah.

Oh yeah, I got the new recipes of brownies form Izzah :) I'm going to try right after this!

Love , Yana ♥

24 August 2011


It's good being strong, but it sucks when people know you're 
strong and they think that makes it okay to hurt you.

Love , Yana ♥

23 August 2011

Wayne In The House

Oh hello guys!
Meet my new family's member.


He's fat
He's quite
He's active
He's still adapting

Love , Yana ♥

18 August 2011


I think I just lost one of my best friend.
Guess that I am doing the right thing.
Hope I will survive.

Love , Yana ♥

17 August 2011


What kind of girlfriend who didn't allow his boyfriend
from being a friend with his ex-girlfriend?
What kind of boyfriend who can't control his feelings
towards his ex-girlfriend even he had a girlfriend?


Love , Yana ♥

11 August 2011

Dry Skin Meets The Dorks

Credit to Shey for the camera and the title.

Love , Yana ♥

07 August 2011


Where were you when I needed you the most?


Love , Yana ♥

01 August 2011

Salam Ramadhan

Yeah welcome back!


Selamat manahan lapar, dahaga, pandangan, nafsu dan seangkatan dengannya.
Semoga diberi keampunan dan keberkatan.

Happy Fasting Day Fellaaaaa :D 

Love , Yana ♥